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Resilience Myth Busting- You either got it or you don't?

It's a common misconception that people are born either resilient or not, this can lead to feelings of inadequacy when facing challenges. Regardless of common belief, resilience is a skill that can be taught and developed.

Myth 1:

Resilience is something you either have or don't.

Resilience is not something that you’re either born with or not. It's also not an all-or-nothing trait. Resilience includes a variety of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that can be learned, practiced and improved by anyone.

Myth 2:

Resilient people don’t have problems, stress or difficult emotions.

Everyone has problems. Being resilient does not mean that a person does not experience difficulty or distress. However, people who are more resilient build habits and skill that allow them to solve problems and thrive in the face of adversity.

Myth 3:

Resilient people are so tough and self-reliant that they don’t need other people.

Resilience is not about toughing it out or going in alone. In fact, being able to reach out to others for support is a key component of being resilient. Resilient people have strong social networks, close connections with family and friends, and other resources they can call upon in time of need.


In reality, we can all do things to develop our own resilience at some stage. At Exchange Resource we focus on building resources in children in young people. Our framework has been developed with an emphasis on 3 categories of resources - I have, I am and I can and then in a further 15 sub-categories. We believe by looking at each of the resources individually, you can gauge areas of strength and where deficits lie in order to develop .

To find out more about how our programmes can aid resilience building in children & young people visit

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